Po Politickin Artist Spotlight: Elete Wright (St. Joe Louis) [Podcast]
Welcome another edition of Po Politickin. In this episode, we politick with Elete Wright 1/3 of the hip hop group St Joe Louis. Turning open studio sessions into the syndicate called Cloud Club and one member turning a warehouse rave into a genre bending event known as #Thread, it’s no wonder a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat, NJ , and LA have everything to do with each other in the eyes of the group St. Joe Louis.
After parting ways with their first label, a car accident and losing loved ones perseverance has become second nature for this New Jersey/Los Angeles based group. However for this group comprised of Elete Wright, Michael Cardigan and Tom Chase the wait is almost over. In 2010 they worked with J.R and PH7 releasing New High 7′ through Personal Records from Vienna, Austria and their first EP also alongside J.R and PH7 “My Favourite Demons” through Pro-Keds & Soulspazm in 2012. The latest 2017 LP “Coral Cadavers” produced by J.R and PH7 released on Below System Records seems only appropriate. Follow Elete on Twitter at @EleteWright, and Po Politickin at @PoPolitickin.