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Problemz (Missin’ Linx) Interview

Problemz is an emcee from Brooklyn, NY. Most notably known as a member of the NYC hip hop group Missin’ Linx, alongside Black Attack and Al Tariq, the group released their popular 12″ singles “M.I.A.” and “Lock’d” in 1998, followed by Exhibit A EP in 2000. Problemz has appeared on Lyricist Lounge Vol. 1 and several collaborations with DJ Honda. Since that time, Problemz has continued to be creative as a solo artist, most recently linking up with DJ Skizz to create the duo R.A.W. (Right Amount of Wrong). After vibing in the studio together, recording song after song for fun, they directed their efforts into a cohesive, self-titled EP on Soulspazm Records. Purchase R.A.W. here.

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