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TheBeeShine Cypher #20: Rilla Gauge, Minx, Dirt Platoon, El Da Sensei & more

TheBeeShine Cypher #20 featured a wide variety of talented and unique lyricists from multiple geographics regions. Baltimore was represented heavy with the city’s own Dirt Platoon, along with Ill Conscious and Guy Grams. New Jersey was represented with Rilla Gauge and the legendary El Da Sensei of The Artifacts. TheBeeShine’s first international appearance, Minx, from the UK added a little bit of singing to her verse. We also had SpaceLAB Recordings’ own Jake Palumbo and Omega B join the mix of spitters. Check out Cypher #20 and leave a comment on who had the best verse!

In order of appearance: Stan Da Man, Rilla Gauge, Ill Conscious, El Da Sensei, Jake Palumbo, Minx, Guy Grams, Omega B, Snook Da Crook, & Raf Almighty

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